Futures Franklin:
The Vision
What If?
If our love for God is pure and marked by the tender of our heart, our soul, our strength, our mind
If our love for others is deep and evident in our benevolence, our honesty, our forgiveness, our time
If His presence is our priority and His word like a fire shut up in our bones
If our agenda is permanently surrendered and our motives ever aligned
If wisdom & understanding take up residence in the recesses of our mind
What then, would our Futures look like?
If the Spirit of God has found a home in our heart and His grace runs through our veins
If we live in the authority due, in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the power of His name
If we walk by faith in obedience and turn our gaze toward that which is unseen
If we humble ourselves and turn from our ways and begin to fervently pray
If we live to worship like we were created for that singular purpose
What then, would our Futures look like?
If authenticity and purity abound & are bound around our neck & our wrist
If we practice what we preach and run from temptation till it’s out of reach
If the supernatural has our fascination and we let God define limitation
If discipleship is more than rhetoric, knowledge and information
If it can bubble up out of you & I, like a fresh spring of divine impartation
What then, would our Futures look like?
If unity matters more than our pride, and collaboration more than being right
If instead of flesh and blood, it’s to the darkness we take the fight
If we can realize that 70x7 is at least as much we’ve been forgiven
If we can build a temple in which God is very much at home
We will make a difference that could never be achieved alone.
The Futures are bright.
Chapter 1:
A community becomes family
Organically, out of genuine relationship we’ve been setting the table for the presence of God; for deeper relationship with Him and with others.
Chapter 2:
The family finds a home
We believe in intentionally stewarding atmospheres and the environment of where we gather. The last thing we want to do is sacrifice the integrity of the blueprints God has given us for this special format. We are believing God for a miracle venue where we can continue setting tables for people to worship God, for discipleship to take place and authentic community to continue to grow.
Chapter 3:
The family becomes a tribe
When God appointed the tribes it was governance in the way He saw fit. We believe that God is raising up leaders with Futures Franklin to link arms, to serve the tables we set, to disciple & to fill the barns of Tennessee. Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria & all the world has always been and always will be the plan.
Two Paths…
Imagine a place where kingdom alliances come alive. A place that collaborative, creative, community centric businesses & ministries call home. It’s a sanctuary for kingdom impact. It’s a mission that brings the pieces together as we begin to see God’s bigger picture for the fortification of His Kingdom from Franklin, TN.
2. Fill the barns of Tennessee
In 2 Kings 4 Elisha asks a widow “Go and get empty jars from all your neighbors. Don’t ask for just a few.” Once she had many empty jars she began to pour the oil and as long as there was an empty jar the oil flowed. The barns of Tennessee are like empty jars that God wants to fill with His presence. There is an awakening springing up in Tennessee!
Step into the Jordan with us…
We don’t want something from you we want to do something great with you! If you do too then please take one or both of the next steps below.
Partner in generosity
Serve others
Instead of a volunteer sign up sheet we’d love to connect with you personally about what it would look like to do something great together!
Text us!
Mark’s number: (404) 834-0700
Lauren’s number: (404) 834-0701